Bryan Perez

Bryan Perez Cruz is 20 years old and a junior sociology major. He came to the United States at five years old with his family following the shutdown of the company his father worked at in Honduras. As an immigrant, he’s come to realize that although there is an abundance of opportunities in the U.S., many are closed off or limited. Moreover, due to these circumstances he’s experienced a unique perspective allowing him to see the effects of communication issues due to language barriers. Writing is one of the most effective forms of communication, storytelling, visualizing, etc. A good writer can express a feeling beyond what can be spoken. Bryan believes writing is an artform that people refuse to explore as properly as it should be. He had initially put his passion of writing on the back burner for years focusing on STEM in hopes that it would be the most direct path to success for him and his family; however, he felt a lack of passion for what he was working. He hopes to find passion in writing and to dive into it instead of leaving it behind. He writes for his family, for his mom who is unable to express herself how she wants, and for himself. Bryan now knows you don’t have to choose between success and passion, since these often can coexist.


My year-long project acts as an ode to my mom and journey of self discovery. It is a personal narrative that retells the story of my coming out and the thoughts that existed during this time. My project became a big center of introspection in my life, coming to not only appreciate the progress I made personally but also with my relationships in my life. Moreover, it allowed me to reevaluate my past in a now mature perspective. I hope my project acts as a comforting reminder to LGBTQ+ individuals that self discovery and how it impacts those around us is imperfect but also full of growth. 

Link to year-long project here.