Ninomae Morris

Ninomae Morris is a third-year student at UCSB. They’re pursuing a degree in psychological and brain sciences. They plan to get a minor in writing or communications and are an active Promise scholar and is the Finance Chair for Making Adventures Possible for All Students (MAPAS). They love nature, being outdoors, and learning about plants. Ninomae also hopes to study abroad next year in Edinburgh, England. They want to study behavioral patterns of people who have committed serious crimes in their Master’s program. They are from San Bernardino and the first to pursue a higher education within their family. They work three jobs and navigate college as a first- generation, low- income student with no parents. This experience has helped them learn how to adapt and take opportunities when they are given.


For my year-long project, I have created a memoir researching how the brain is affected when you don’t have parents. I found this to be extremely important to me because as many know, I do not have parents. I interviewed people on how this affected their adult relationships, mental illness, reactions, behavior, etc. I took my own experience and made it into a memoir and guide for people struggling with the same problems.

Link to year-long project here.